Little by Little

In college I didn't have a lot of winter gear. My school was in Pennsylvania, but my family was still living in Hawaii and after finding a couple of mittens and hats at thrift stores I had enough pieces to muddle through the miserable months. Little by little I've added to my collection each year and now I have enough gloves, mittens, tights, and hats to rotate through them without getting too bored. That's the thing about building a wardrobe or really any collection--little by little things happen. I don't feel as if I need to go out and make large purchases or buy loads of new coats every winter. I'm never much of a "haul shopper," but rather I continued the habit I started in college: a few new pieces and a lot of remixing the old. It's the same with my bedroom and extended house right now--I've got the skeletons of my dream room and enough of the essentials to live with, but I hardly possess something worthy of an interior design spread in a magazine. Because in the end, there's no rush. Piece by piece over the years my home will grow like my wardrobe did...Just a few thoughts that stirred when I slipped on these suede gloves I bought on sale last spring when all the stores were trying to get rid of their wintry things.

Outfit details:
Samantha Pleet dress
Steven Alan gloves
Rebecca Minkoff backpack

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